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Always an ATM nearby

Want to withdraw or deposit cash? You can visit our yellow ATMs throughout the Netherlands. Check our locator to find an ATM near you.

Frequently asked questions

You were too late taking out your notes or you forgot to take out your money. In that case, the ATM will withdraw the notes again.

With some banks, the amount is usually credited to your account the next day. This may vary from bank to bank.

If your money is not credited to your account, contact your bank. Geldmaat can only look at what happened in the ATM. Due to privacy laws, we are not allowed to view your account details. The bank can. Your bank takes action and contacts Geldmaat if necessary.

If more investigation is needed, they will wait until it is the ATM's turn to be filled and/or emptied. For ATMs that are not used much, this may take several weeks. We then check whether there are any irregularities.

Sometimes it takes a while for a limit increase to work. How long it takes varies by bank. Check your bank's website for more information.

If the amount on the receipt is not correct please contact us. Call: 088-1104100. Mon - Fri 08:00-18:00. Sat 09:00-18:00.

Have you met our talking ATMs?

Many of our ATMs have voice support. Bring a headset and the ATM will tell you step by step what to do.


20 december 2024

Geldmaatwinkel Almere open

In the center of Almere, on December 20, 2024, our Geldmaatwinkel opened. In the store are six ATMs for withdrawing and depositing banknotes, in addition one ATM for withdrawing bills, this ATM has 5 euro bills. There is also an ATM for business deposits (sealbags) and two coin deposit machines. On 8 January 2025 a team from Geldmaat will be present to show visitors around.

Address:Diagonaal 29, Almere Opening hours:The store is open daily from 07.00 to 22.00.

6 november 2024

Geldmaatwinkel Helmond opened

The Geldmaatwinkel in the centre of Helmond opened on 6 November. This shop has four ATMs for withdrawing notes and six machines for withdrawing and depositing notes in the store. The Geldmaatwinkel in Helmond is 35th Geldmaatwinkel. Another shop is planned this year, that in Almere.

Geldmaatwinkel Markt 20 Helmond

Opening hours Monday 07:00 - 22:00 Tuesday 07:00 - 22:00 Wednesday 07:00 - 22:00 Thursday 07:00 - 22:00 Friday 07:00 - 22:00 Saturday 07:00 - 22:00 Sunday 07:00 - 22:00

10 oktober 2024

New ATMs in Geldmaatwinkel Amstelveen

In our in October 2024 opened Geldmaatwinkel in shopping centre Stadshart Amstelveen there is a new type ATM for withdrawing and depositing banknotes. The ATM has buttons with braille on the side of the screen for people with a visual impairment, the screen can of course also be used as a touchscreen. Furthermore, the ATM has so-called sidewings that make it more difficult to watch when withdrawing money. The same applies to the That also applies to the privacy mirrors above the screen, when standing in front of the ATM you can see what is happening behind you.

In this shop, ATMs are available for withdrawing and depositing notes and coins, coin deposit machines and a sealbag machine for deposits by entrepreneurs. There are a total of 10 ATMs in the Geldmaatwinkel.

Geldmaatwinkel Binnenhof 61 Shopping center Stadshart Amstelveen Amstelveen

Opening hours Monday 09:00 - 21:00 Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00 Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00 Thursday 09:00 - 21:00 Friday 09:00 - 21:00 Saturday 09:00 - 21:00 Sunday 10:00 - 17:00 12:00 - 17:00

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